Magnetic Particle Test Bar

The MPI Test Bar is a standardized test piece conforming to the requirements of NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 to demonstrate magnetic particle equipment performance. The MPI Test Bar can be used with wet bench equipment, power packs, or magnetic yokes.


The MPI Test Bar is a standardized test piece conforming to the requirements of NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 to demonstrate magnetic particle equipment performance. The MPI Test Bar can be used with wet bench equipment, power packs, or magnetic yokes.

The test bar includes both surface and sub-surface flaws for use with AC, HWDC, and FWDC magnetizing currents. Surface notches in two directions on each side of the bar are used to confirm both circular and longitudinal AC magnetization.

Multiple subsurface defects at progressive depths provide confirmation of HWDC and FWDC field penetration. All machined flaws are epoxy filled to prevent magnetic particles from becoming trapped within the test bar.